Carolyn Duffin

February 8, 2018

“It’s hard to define just how much Rachel helped me!
I was a first time Edinburgh Fringe producer bringing my own play to the Fringe with little idea on how best to promote. Rachel read the script and immediately developed the PR strategy. With her extensive network of newspaper contacts, I soon had local and national press articles about me and the show, as well as press releases and programme/website blurbs written for various audiences. She also staffed all Social Media outlets during the show’s run, identifying and showcasing reviews and stories that would bring in an audience. With the average Edinburgh Fringe audience being just four (!) we were, in stark contrast, close to capacity for our full run with several sell-out performances. Almost more important, however, is the way Rachel was there throughout as a calming presence in stressful circumstances. I knew without a shadow of doubt that I was in good hands and would, without reserve, recommend her and Blackburn Communications.”